Foundations of the University Department of Ophthalmology

The Department of Ophthalmology has a long history and a great deal of expertise in research into eye diseases. Numerous inventions such as methods for measuring intraocular pressure or examining visual fields have emerged from our clinic.

With your help, we can improve the equipment of our research laboratory, recruit talented young researchers and make progress that can make a difference to the understanding and new therapies for eye diseases.

Hans Feller Stiftung Foundation

The Hans Feller Foundation was established in 2009 and aims to promote research in ophthalmology by making contributions to ophthalmological research projects at the University Department of Ophthalmology at Inselspital Bern. The foundation is financed by donations, gifts and bequests from private individuals as well as contributions from funding foundations. Donations are tax-deductible.



Your donation enables scientific progress to be made in the fight against eye diseases and the prevention of visual impairment. Support our foundations with a donation. You can easily donate* by scanning the QR code.

Hans Goldmann Stiftung

The Hans Goldmann Foundation was established in 1942 and, in addition to the continued existence and expansion of the School of Vision (orthoptics and pleoptics), enables the promotion of research in ophthalmology by granting contributions to ophthalmological research projects at the University Clinic for Ophthalmology at the Inselspital in Bern.

Hans Goldmann (*1899 - †1991) was an ophthalmologist, clinic director and professor at the University Clinic for Ophthalmology, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Rector of the University of Bern. He (further) developed several medical instruments that have become indispensable in modern ophthalmology.




Due to the purpose of the foundation, the Hans Goldmann Foundation and Hans Feller Foundation are to be classified as a charitable foundation of the type “Operative Foundations”. They are under the supervision of the supervisory authority: Bernische BVG- und Stiftungsaufsicht (BBSA).


* If you wish to make a donation, your data will be processed in accordance with Insel Gruppe AG's privacy policy. Here you will find the complete privacy policy.