The University Department of Ophthalmology has internationally recognized expertise in the planning and execution of preclinical and clinical research. This includes internal research projects as well as multicenter studies (phase II to IV) for the innovative development of novel therapies. This allows us not only to gain experience with new treatment methods and drugs, but also to contribute to better treatment methods for eye diseases.

The University Hospital of Ophthalmology has excellent national and international networks. Our numerous collaborations span across national and international university centers, industry partners and leading international pharmaceutical companies.

Members of our research teams are members of national and international societies (Swiss Ophthalmological Society (SOG) /  American Academy of Ophthalmology: Protecting Sight. Empowering Lives - American Academy of Ophthalmology ( / EURETINA Official ESCRS | European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons) and regularly present our research results at major international congresses.

Planning, conducting preclinical and clinical research are as much part of the clinic's expertise as the implementation of innovative developments of new therapeutic procedures. In addition, the Clinical Trials Unit of the University of Bern supports us in many studies. Participation in studies is voluntary and free of charge for our patients. Study participants are supervised by our study center and always receive personal support from a specialist.

All our clinical studies are approved by Swissmedic and the Cantonal Ethics Committee. We work according to data protection regulations and the standards of "Good clinical practice" (GCP) and all our study physicians have the appropriate training to conduct clinical studies. In all studies, the safety of the participating patients is paramount.