
We are a dynamic team of orthoptists, ophthalmologists, neurophthalmologists and neurologists with a passion for the following specialties:
Pediatric ophthalmology (eye diseases in children)
Strabismus (strabismus)
Amblyopia therapy (treatment of amblyopia in children)
Eye movement disorders
Diseases of the eye socket (orbit)
Afferent disorders (disease between the optic nerve and visual cortex)
Efferent disorders (paralysis, eye muscle disorders, disorders of slow and fast eye movements)
Disorders of the pupil

The diagnosis and treatment of these specialized issues are often interdisciplinary. We therefore maintain close and friendly cooperation with specialists from neurology, neuroradiology, neuropaediatrics, craniomaxillofacial surgery, neurosurgery, radiooncology, endocrinology and human genetics, among others.